Girl's Best Friend Foundation (GBF) closed November 2007.
GBF’s records are archived with Special Collections of the University
of Illinois, Chicago. In fall 2008, they will be made public:
Training at GBF
New Learning Circles forming! Click here to find out more!
Read about Youth Worker To Youth Worker conversation about staff transitions in youth work.
- Youth Worker Training - Date TBA
How to Nurture Girls' Activism
GBF encourages homegrown activism by and with girls and young women.
Until recently, we had not found many local opportunities for learning
how to infuse community impact work in girls' programs.
Trainers are asked to show and tell how their programs instigate critical questioning and critical thinking. GBF believes these skills are crucial steps toward feminist awareness and organized social change work in communities.
Because critical questioning and critical thinking are crucial
steps toward feminist consciousness and collective social change
work in communities, we've sponsored and posted highlights of great
training sessions.
How to Conduct Evaluations
Girls programs find the training we offer a great way to learn and carry out girl-friendly investigation and evaluation.
Participatory evaluation research (PER) is the method we promote, because of its tested value to youth workers who want to check their work and programs, and youth who want to investigate questions profoundly affecting them. This approach helps young women and girls develop a critical eye, imagine alternatives, and frame the change they want – in their programs, their lives, and their communities.