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The factoids below are the same ones that appear throughout our web site. We've collected them here in one place for easy reference. If you know of an interesting factoid that you think belongs on our site, please feel free to contact us.

Research suggests that African American families are less likely than white families to place gender-stereotyped expectations on their children, and more likely to socialize their daughters toward independence, strength, and resourcefulness.

- The Girls Report, 11

Girls' positive feelings about themselves and their futures can be fostered by spending time with mentors from their communities; participating in activities that encourage them; interacting with educators who respect their diverse ideas; discussing the impacts of issues such as sexism and racism with other concerned adults; and finding support for their emerging identities.

- The Girls Report, 15

The leading causes of premature death among women - including cancer, heart disease, and AIDS - are associated with behaviors begun during adolescence.

- The Girls Report, 30

Thirty percent of adolescent girls have thought about suicide compared with 18 percent of boys.

- The Girls Report, 30

Girls often face differential treatment in the juvenile justice system. The system tends to overlook the needs of pregnant or abused girls, and frequently places girls in programs and facilities intended for boys.

- The Girls Report, 52

Research on achievement in single-sex versus mixed-sex environments suggests that in either type of school environment, girls profit from time spent in settings free of distractions and competition from boys, where they can develop confidence through achievement, assume leadership roles, and explore career possibilities.

- The Girls Report, 63

Despite feminist critiques since the late 1970s, much of the mainstream research on adolescent developmental and social issues still presents findings for youth in general, without considering gender.

- The Girls Report, 5.

Recent changes in the welfare system discourage some girls from continuing their education and becoming economically self-sufficient. Unmarried teen mothers need access to day care, transportation, and other supports that will enable them to work and pursue their education.

- The Girls Report, 79, xii

Recent developments suggest that public attitudes toward women in sports may be slowly shifting.... Reports note that the WNBA games exceed predictions of popularity and interest, and that girls are finding inspiration in female sports figures. Participation in sports is linked with decreased incidence of depression, pregnancy and smoking initiation among teenage girls.

- The Girls Report, 19, 30

Girls and women account for 90 percent of all cases of eating disorders. Girls ages 7 - 17 are now the heaviest users of diet pills.

-The Girls Report, 30

In Western societies, adolescence is often viewed as a period of inevitable conflict. Yet research on positive aspects of girls' development suggests that when encouraged and supported in their social contexts, girls can thrive during adolescence.

- The Girls Report, 15

Overall, girls achieve consistently higher grades in all school subjects than do boys - this difference is largest in English, followed by social studies, science and math.

- The Girls Report, 56

Girls' enjoyment of math and science is often associated with factors such as more positive overall feelings about schoolwork, stronger commitment to career aspirations, and greater confidence in physical appearance.

- The Girls Report, 59

Girl's Best Friend Foundation
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